Bad Luck or Good Luck?
Here’s an example: Koffi Mensah worked for Employer A, which was located across the street from Company B. Employer A was a contract position and Koffi needed benefits, so he went to B. Company B had buyer’s remorse after two months (Koffi never knew why) and he was asked to resign.
Koffi called Employer A back, and they said, “Great! Can you be here tomorrow morning at 9:00?” Because they were so close geographically, the commute was identical, and his routine hardly changed
The story gets better, though. Koffi explains,
“The best part: A few months later, I was hired at Employer C, which paid me 30 percent more ($15K) than Employer B did! I actually moved for that job. It’s like the Chinese folk tale that starts with the horse running away – you never know, you never know – whether it’s good luck or bad luck.”
Doing All the Right Things
Another person had done everything you should do when it came to both his job search and to evaluating a position at one of the top employers in the United States. he interviewed several times, researched the company, evaluated the job offer, and talked to his future co-workers and supervisor.
Presuming that he had made a good decision, he packed his bags and relocated to a new city to take what he thought was an exciting new job. Only it wasn’t. The position was nothing like anyone had described it.
The only explanation he got when he asked about the difference between the job he thought he was hired for and what he was doing, was that he could work his way up to more responsibility.
Starting Your Job Search Over
Unfortunately, luck doesn’t always work in your favor. Sometimes, the employer has filled the position or doesn’t want you back, and you’re either stuck with your new job or you’ll have to find something else.
For example, someone leaves his job for a new position. But he decides he hates his new job on the day he starts. He calls his old company to see if they’ll hire him back. However, he hadn’t performed as well at his old job as he should have so the company had looked at the resignation as an opportunity to start fresh with a new employee.
If going back to your old job isn’t an option, take some time to see if you were judging the job or the company in haste. Sometimes, our first impressions aren’t correct, and the job might be a better fit than you expected. Give it a chance and take some time to see if it’s as bad as you first thought.
If it really is that awful, start networking with your contacts and get your resume back into circulation. Be honest when you’re asked why you’re leaving a job you just started (and you will be).
Tell your contacts and the interviewer that the job wasn’t a good fit and you decided to pursue other options. You will probably need to provide details on why the position didn’t work out, so think about appropriate answers prior to interviewing. These sample interview answers on leaving your job may give you some ideas.
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